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  • Sarah Wilson
  • 1 min read

Wednesday 20th of November 2024 is World GIS day. What exactly is GIS? Why does SEAI use GIS? And how can GIS provide insights for a just transition to a sustainable future? This blog and its ‘Story Map’ are here to answer these questions.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been used throughout the world for the last 25 years to solve real-world problems, drive decision making, enhance analysis and it's important to SEAI too. GIS can be used in various forms, whether that is a location map added to increase value to a report or complex Spatial analysis to decide suitable locations for various sites including infrastructure necessary to reach our sustainable future. 

For example, GIS was used during the COVID-19 crisis to map the pandemic. GIS professionals from all over the world helped collect and map data which in turn helped other professionals coordinate response efforts, inform decision-makers where the spread is happening and communicating this data to a global audience about the extent and progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is just one real world example of how GIS can have a positive impactful role. 

GIS Story Map

SEAI have created a GIS Story Map, where you can find out about the projects happening across SEAI and examples of previous work completed. The story map will highlight what maps SEAI have created and spatial tools that SEAI offers to the public and policy makers. You will also find out more on our current projects that are happening with SEAI such as our new Sustainable Energy Communities Energy Master Planning tool which helps communities visualise information and provide key data on a community level to paint a picture of the communities energy use. 

Visit the GIS Story Map Learn more about our Sustainable Energy Communities
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Sarah Wilson |GIS Analyst

Sarah Wilson is a member of the Energy Statistics Team at Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), with a focus on GIS Analysis and web GIS Services.