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Promoting retrofitting among homeowners in Ireland through a behavioural lens: Evidence review and policy recommendations

Behavioural Insights for Policy series: Evidence Review

Year: 2023

Topic: Home retrofit

Methodology: Literature Review

Author: Behavioural Insights Team, UK


Ireland's Climate Action Plan includes a target of implementing 500,000 home energy upgrades by 2030. The success of Ireland's ambitions in this area ultimately hinges on homeowners shifting their behaviours, adopting new technologies and investing in the energy efficiency of their homes. This report outlines the retrofitting customer journey in Ireland, including the common steps, decision points and frictions that affect homeowners looking to retrofit their homes. Through a review of international evidence, a number of behavioural barriers to retrofit are identified along this customer journey, and 22 potential solution ideas are proposed to address these, tailoring them to the Irish context.

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