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A Building Management System is a smart technology which ensures your building only uses the energy it needs. Install or upgrade your existing BMS with a grant from SEAI.

About the grant

Today's technology can automatically control, monitor and adjust how your building operates. It's powerful tool to reduce running costs while maintaining comfort. A BMS is often the most cost effective tool in your energy efficiency journey. SEAI is now offering a business grant to install or to upgrade your building's existing BMS.

There is a range of Building Management Systems available. Some focus on more basic controls such as time-clocking, setpoint adjustment, monitoring and metering in a centralised location. Others are more advanced with self-learning software and synchronised control across multiple systems.

Grant value

Grants of up to €30,000 are available. The exact grant value is based on the complexity (no. of monitoring and control points) of your planned system.

Who can apply

This grant is open to all businesses, public sector, community groups and charities seeking to reduce their carbon footprint and save money. 

Key benefits

  • Save by automating systems such as heating, cooling, lighting and water
  • Increased and more consistent comfort levels
  • Consistent temperature fixed to optimum levels
  • Data to monitor impact of changes and identify future changes

Find a BMS Specialist

It is important to use BMS Specialist trained in the specific software for your system. Start by calling the manufacturer or licenced agent who installed your system. If they can't engage with the scheme, they'll often point you towards other licenced agents.

How to apply

Apply now using our fast and simple application process. It takes a couple of minutes to apply. For a step-by-step guide and further details please find the Application Guide below.

  • Register on the SEAI Application Portal. For returning businesses, just login using your username and password
  • Select ‘Business Energy Upgrades’ from the drop-down list
  • Follow the steps, there's no requirement for any documentary upload or a review process at this stage
  • Once you hit ‘Submit’, you'll receive an automated ‘Letter of Offer’ within minutes
  • You are free to start the works immediately

Top tips when making your application

  1. If you are not already registered with SEAI, you can register on the application portal. This process should only take a couple of minutes.
  2. Check out the Pre-Application Form which mirrors the questions in the application portal. You can use it to confirm with your selected company/contractor the options to choose when making your application.
  3. You'll need to provide the contact details for the company who'll carry out the works for you.
  4. Confirm your company can meet the requirements of the scheme. These details are in the Pre-Application Form.

Contact details

Tel: 01808 2100 
Email: [email protected]