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Public bodies and government departments are 34% more energy efficient than in 2009, exceeding the 2020 target of 33%

  • Public bodies avoided 6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions in the decade 2009-2020

Public bodies have saved €1.8 billion and 6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions through avoided energy use between 2009 and 2020. The 2020 Annual Report on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance shows that the public sector is 34% more energy efficient and exceeded its 33% energy efficiency target. This is the fourth consecutive year of continued improved performance from the public sector following the introduction of the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Strategy in 2017. SEAI recognise the impact the public health emergency may have had towards the achievement of the 34% energy efficient result.

Announcing the publication of the report today, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications. Eamon Ryan TD, said:


"Today's report demonstrates that Ireland's public sector is leading the way for the rest of the country to follow. We have seen excellent progress with a collective 34% energy efficiency improvement achieved by the public sector in the last 11 years, exceeding the target set for 2020. However, the next decade will require a concerted effort to meet our targets and overcome the climate crisis. The Programme for Government sets out an ambitious vision for the public sector to achieve 50% energy efficiency improvement and 51% CO2 reduction by 2030. Looking ahead, there will be an emphasis on developing a cost effective retrofit programme for the public sector building stock and electrification of public sector vehicles, to achieve the vision for 2030."
Eamon Ryan T.D, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications and Transport

William Walsh, CEO of SEAI said:

"SEAI works closely with public bodies and schools, helping them to achieve their energy efficiency improvement goals. Today's report shows that energy efficiency improvements were achieved across the board, even in sectors which were impacted by the public health emergency. Achieving the target set out for 2020 demonstrates real leadership and commitment towards improved energy efficiency by the public sector. Our focus now shifts to the next decade and the challenging targets for 2030. SEAI will be working closely with public bodies to help them achieve the changes necessary so they can rise to the challenge and meet the 2030 targets."
William Walsh, CEO of SEAI

The 344 public bodies and 2,807 schools who reported on their energy performance collectively improved their energy efficiency to 34%, up from 29% the previous year. This improvement achieved €298 million in annual energy savings for the sector and 848,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions from avoided energy use in 2020.

A copy of the Annual Report 2021 on Public Sector Energy Efficiency Performance is available here.