Residential energy and grant data for your Energy Master Plans
This dashboard gives you access to high quality residential BER and grants datasets within your area of interest when preparing an energy master plan.
There are currently over 900 Sustainable Energy Communities (SECs) registered with SEAI.
A key milestone in the progression of these communities is the development of an energy master plan (EMP). EMPs provide a comprehensive baseline assessment of how communities use energy, as well as an evaluation of near-to-mid-term practical opportunities that community members might action to drive sustainable change within their area.
The Sustainable Energy Community Energy Master Planning (SEC-EMP) dashboard provides maps, charts, and tables of residential BER and SEAI grants data that have been localised to the community level for EMP target areas. The SEC-EMP dashboard is designed to make it easier for SECs, Local Authorities, and the technical experts involved in the preparation of an energy master plan, to access high quality residential BER and grants datasets within their area of interest.
As the SEC works to implement projects in their local area, they can use the SEC-EMP to view the latest BER and grant uptake records. As different projects come online, the impact on homes and homeowners in the SEC can be assessed through the dashboard.
What will you find on this Dashboard
The SEC EMP Dashboard provides data on the residential building stock of each Sustainable Energy Community, and SEAI grant uptake within that SEC:
- Building Energy Ratings (BERs)
- Dwelling Types
- Year of Dwelling Construction
- Dwelling Fuel Types
- Dwelling Wall Types
- Dwelling Heat loss Indicators (HLIs)
- Grant Uptake for Home Energy Upgrades & Electric Vehicles
The SEC-EMP dashboard includes several interactive tools to help users focus on data for their own specific communities. These include a filter on the home page that will filter all datasets, zoom each map to the relevant SEC, and update all charts and downloadable tables within the dashboard based on the selected community.
In addition, there is a page designed to explore the data for potential new SECs and provide immediate interactive data for drafting Energy Master Plans. This page contains residential BER data for the entire country and will allow users to view and download data based on a manually selected set of Census Small Areas.
Our guidance document for SEAI’s Energy Master Planning Dashboard will give you an overview of the dashboard and guide you on how to interact with the different features.
You can also view our instructional video which includes a demo of using tools within the dashboard.
View the dashboardYour feedback
If you encounter any technical issues, please let us know through our form below.
We would also like to hear about future innovative use ideas from SEC mentors, the community and strategic partners, and we will consider these for the next version update.
Feedback form