Decarbonised electricity system study
SEAI is leading a multi-year study to explore pathways to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the Irish electricity system and the economic impacts of doing so.
The 2023 Climate Action Plan sets a target of meeting 80% of electricity demand from renewable sources by 2030. Beyond this, a pathway to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from the electricity system in Ireland has yet to be defined. The Department of Environment, Climate and Communications has asked SEAI to lead on developing an evidence-based pathway, or choice of robust alternative pathways, for decarbonising the Irish electricity system after 2030. SEAI will develop the pathway informed by research and engaging with a wide cohort of stakeholders to build consensus.
Work plan
There will be multiple stages to this study, with the final output due in late 2026. Broadly, the study will progress as follows:
- Pre-screen electricity generation, storage and services technologies for inclusion in power sector portfolios based on their performance against economic, technical, environmental and social criteria in the Irish context.
- Develop alternative power sector technology portfolios weighted to achieve strategic national and public priorities as inputs to techno-economic modelling.
- Assess the direct electricity system impacts, and coupled energy sector impacts, of the portfolios in different scenarios.
- Quantify the total investment and operational cost of pursuing alternative power sector decarbonisation pathways, and the economic impacts on the electricity market and consumers.
Stakeholder engagement
Extensive cooperation with diverse stakeholders will be key to its success. SEAI will convene a stakeholder engagement process to inform the technical work throughout the duration of the study (2024 – 2026). In 2023, we commenced this process by establishing a Working Group to direct and critique the initial work. This group serves as a first tier for legitimating the research objectives, decisions and methods within key state agencies, including the Department for Environment Climate and Communications (DECC), the power system operators (Eirgrid and ESB Networks), and the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).
In 2024, SEAI will establish:
- a stakeholder forum to incorporate the views of a wide range of stakeholders, both within the power sector and closely related sectors affected by the decarbonization of the power sector
- a scientific panel to review research outputs and ensure technical excellence of the commissioned work
In Q4 2024, SEAI will issue an open invitation for expressions of interest to serve on the stakeholder forum or scientific panel with more information on their respective scopes of work. SEAI may also, as need be, convene smaller thematic or problem-based workshops to resolve underpinning issues where specialist judgement or data is needed to progress analysis.
Register your interest
If you would like to participate as an expert on the stakeholder forum or scientific panel, please register your interest below and we will be in touch. Also if you would like to keep up to date on the progress of the Decarbonised Electricity System Study through a quarterly newsletter or have any questions for the SEAI project management team, please register your interest using the link below.