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  • Solene Goy
  • 2 min read

Ireland's involvement in the International Technology Collaboration Programme on Ocean Energy Systems.


Ireland is involved with Task 4 of the Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Collaboration Programme to look at the environmental effects of energy development on the marine environment. This programme is an intergovernmental collaboration between countries which operate under a framework established by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris.


In response to increased activity in the development of ocean, wave and tidal current energy in the late nineties, and the need for technology cooperation between countries, the IEA launched the Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Collaboration Programme in 2001.

The collaboration brings together countries to advance research, development and demonstration of conversion technologies to harness energy from all forms of ocean renewable resources, such as tides, waves, currents, temperature gradient, etc.

Ireland has worked with Ocean Energy Systems since 2009. We have contributed information and metadata on Irish ocean energy projects including research and development projects that explore the environmental impacts on the marine environment.

Development in Ireland

The programme helps Ireland learn from the experiences of other countries who have already progressed the development of their own ocean energy resources. This shared transfer of knowledge helps develop our own resources, policy and practices.

Since Ireland joined the programme, we have become involved with 'Ocean Energy Systems: Task 4'. Task 4 includes an assessment of the environmental effects and monitoring efforts for ocean wave, tidal and current energy systems.

Dr. Anne Marie O'Hagan, a Senior Research Fellow at the Marine and Renewable Energy Research Centre in UCC, is the Irish representative for the programme. Dr.O'Hagan commends the benefits of participating in OES Environmental.

"Involvement in an IEA Task is a great way to get your research into the international domain and perhaps even influence future policy. It also provides endless opportunities for international scientific collaboration," she states.

Benefits and Impacts of work include:

  • Policy

Work completed contributes to Maritime Spatial Planning in Ireland, which is currently being developed.

  • Scientific

Regular contact through OES Environmental Country Analyst's calls, webinars and in-person meetings provide multiple opportunities for international collaboration in terms of knowledge transfer, project proposals and joint publications, which contribute to the overall enhancement of Irish scientific capacity and capability.

  • Societal

The State of the Science report acts as a compendium of the most comprehensive and current scientific information on the environmental effects of marine renewable energy. It is written for government officials, regulators, policy makers, resource managers, marine renewable energy developers, researchers and stakeholders. As such it has a huge role to play in increasing knowledge of marine renewable energy and could also help to improve societal acceptance of these novel technologies.


Through the SEAI International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme, the Marine and Renewable Energy Research Centre in UCC was able to secure additional funding to allow Dr.O'Hagan to travel and attend Task 4 meetings.

Find out more information on IEA TCP participation here



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