Marine Institute Staff Engagement Campaign
The Marine Institutes's 'Get Greener' staff engagement campaign has reached several hundred staff with a series of mini campaigns that highlighted ways to save energy at work and at home.
Key Achievements
'Get Greener' campaign launched.
Targeted several hundred staff.
14% energy saving in one year.
'Get Greener' Campaign
Campaign Approach
The programme targets several hundred staff, with the main energy users being the 54 laboratories, at the Co. Galway site. 'Out of hours' energy audits were carried out and a "Switch Off" campaign, including Bank Holiday 'Switch off' along with Awareness Days, helped drive down energy use. Promotional media includes posters, Intranet, stickers, emails noticeboards and feedback delivered to a wider audience.
Team Effort
The Strategy and Action Plan was developed by the Energy Team which is composed of IT, Quality, Facilities, Lab and office based staff and managers. The Institute's Get Greener Teams identified and implemented actions for improving both energy performance and other resource use, including biodiversity.
Key forums were used to get the message across such as 'Lab Management meetings'
Future Plans
The Marine Institute has already improved energy efficiency, primarily through staff behavioural change and small-scale equipment and infrastructure improvements. To continue to minimise environmental impacts and promote sustainable practices, the Institute launched its Environmental Strategy and Resource Efficiency Action Plan (2019 - 2021) which outlined key goals in the areas of energy, water, waste, transport and Biodiversity.
Learn more about engaging staff in energy awareness training in the workplace.
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