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The heat maps allow users to explore Ireland's heating and cooling demands and the potential for district heating from a special perspective.


Heat mapping describes the spatial disaggregation of national heat demand into smaller geographic areas. This disaggregation is based on the characteristics of the buildings within each area and include:

  • building type (a residential dwelling, a commercial or public sector building or an industrial site),
  • the type of fuel used to generate the heat,
  • other metrics such as the area of buildings, and current and planned energy efficiency measures

​In 2021, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) commissioned Element Energy and Ricardo Energy and Environment to work with SEAI on the National Heat Study. As part of this study the heating and cooling demand of each sector has been analysed spatially to produce a national map of heat demand linked to Ireland's small geographical areas, with all values representative of a one year period.

The methodology for developing the national map of heat demand is described in the SEAI Heating and Cooling in Ireland Today report. 

This detailed spatial analysis of heat demand and potential heat sources also forms the foundation of an analysis of the potential for district heating in Ireland that has been carried out as part of the broader National Heat Study, with this methodology described in the SEAI District Heating and Cooling report.


What you will find in this map

Estimated Annual Heating and Cooling Demand

Displays heat demands for domestic and non-domestic (public sector, commercial, and industrial) buildings. These are:

  • annual heat demands in MWh,
  • annual demand per m2 of building footprint (kWh/m2)

Potential for District Heating

Displays small areas deemed viable for installation of district heating systems, as well as a measure of heat demand suitable for district heating. District heating potential is summarised under 5 model scenarios, each of which comprises a different policy approach to meeting future demand for heat.The details of these model scenarios can be found in the SEAI Net Zero by 2050 report:

  • baseline,
  • balanced,
  • high electrification,
  • decarbonised gas,
  • rapid progress
View the Heat Demand Map