The SEAI Fellowship programme will provide the opportunity for postdoctoral or experienced researchers to apply for research fellowship positions based within SEAI.

About the programme

This programme, open to postdoctoral or experienced researchers with the support of their 3rd level educational body, aims to provide successful applicants with the opportunity to develop their career through proposing a research project and delivering it while immersed in the diverse activities carried out by SEAI, Ireland’s sustainable energy authority.  

The primary objectives of the SEAI Fellowship Programme are to: 

  • build capacity in the sustainable energy sector.
  • enhance national capabilities and capacities at the energy-policy interface.
  • bridge the gap between policy and research.
  • strengthen knowledge to support the clean energy transition.


The SEAI Fellowship Programme is open to researchers who: 

  • Hold a relevant PhD or equivalent* relevant research experience.   
  • Have the support of a 3rd Level Educational Body for their application.  

* SEAI defines PhD equivalent as 4 years’ full time research experience after primary degree.

Key Dates

Evaluation Stage 1 Eligibility  February 2024  
Evaluation Stage 2 Technical Evaluation  March 2024  
Evaluation Stage 3 Interview  April/May 2024  
Award Notification   June/July 2024  

Contact us

Please contact with any queries on the SEAI Fellowship Programme.