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The SEAI National Energy Research Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Funding Programme invests in innovative energy RD&D projects which contribute to Ireland's transition to a clean and secure energy future.

SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme Objectives

  • Support

    Support solutions that enable technical and other barriers to market uptake to be overcome
  • Grow

    Grow Ireland's national capacity to access, develop and apply international class RD&D
  • Inform

    Provide guidance and support to policy makers and public bodies
  • Accelerate

    Accelerate competitive energy-related products, processes and systems

SEAI National Energy Research Funding Call - 2024 Call Closed

Deadline Type Date  
Call Open Date 19th April 2024  
Call Launch Information Webinar 11am, 30th April 2024

Webinar Recording

Webinar Slides

Application Submission Deadline

12 noon (Irish Standard Time) 13th June 2024

Award Notification Q4 2024  

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Please review the information provided here and in the Call documentation, and for any other queries, please contact [email protected].

What projects are eligible?

Accelerating transformative research to deliver Ireland's clean energy and climate ambitions will require enhanced collaboration across a wide range of stakeholders and actors.

Diverse approaches and engaged research methods will be required, which may include multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research approaches.

The SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme welcomes research proposals from all research disciplines, as well as collaborative projects involving multiple organisations subject to alignment with the overall programme objectives.

2024 Awards

Lead OrganisationProject Title
Atlantic Technological University GREENBAT: Bat migration and offshore wind energy in Ireland
Dublin City University Transforming CO2 into formic acid, a liquid organic hydrogen carrier using solar energy (SUN2FA)
Dublin City UniversityACHIEVE: Accelerating Community energy, Harnessing Insights and Engaging for Viable and just Energy transitions
Economic and Social Research InstituteRenewable Energy and FORward Markets (REFORM)
ÉireComposites TeoR3WIND - Repairable, recyclable and re-usable wind turbine blades
ÉireComposites TeoTidalHealth - Structural Health Monitoring and analysis of Full-Scale Tidal Turbine Blades
Flexible Power Solutions LtdA roadmap towards 70% carbon neutral high temperature industrial heating, using Electric Boilers, Thermal Storage and would-be wasted indigenous green electricity.
Gavin & Doherty GeosolutionsGround Rigid Install Pile Anchor – GRIP Anchor 
GlasPort Bio LtdGasAbate Complete: green energy boosting technology - Complete offering for poultry, swine, dairy & beef sectors
HeatGrid IrelandHeat Recovery from Wastewater Treatment Plants to Supply Existing Buildings with Low-Carbon Heat via District Heating
International Energy Research Center / Tyndall National Institute / UCCExamine Bioenergy planning requirements insights and stakeholder’s perceptions in Ireland (BioEInsights)
International Energy Research Center / Tyndall National Institute / UCCINNOV8HEAT: Innovative Novel Optimisation and Validation for Heating Energy Application Technologies
International Energy Research Center / Tyndall National Institute / UCCAccelerating Carbon Transition through Awareness and Quantification of Non-Energy Benefits of Energy Efficiency (ACTIVATE) 
International Energy Research Center / Tyndall National Institute / UCCFuture Irish Energy System Observatory (FIESO)
International Energy Research Center / Tyndall National Institute / UCCBEST-IRE: Battery Electric Bus for Sustainable Transport Initiative in IREland
Marine Materials Ireland LtdDesign, development and testing of critical components for  megawatt-scale, floating, vertical axis wind turbines in the Atlantic Ocean (Design4C)
Maynooth UniversityIreland’s Low-Carbon Transport Sector: The Road to a Just Transition
Maynooth UniversityADFLEX
Munster Technological UniversityAgRE-Bio: Optimal integration of renewable energy systems & bioenergy production within the agricultural industry
South East Technological University (SETU)CLEERBlade: Cold Spray Leading Edge Erosion Repair for Offshore Wind Turbine Blades
Technological University of Shannon Development of a Polymer Composite Material with High Hydrogen Storage using AI-enhanced Multi-scale Modelling
TechWorks MarineLeveraging Ocean Power Assessments for Research, Development, & Sustainability (LeOPARDS)
Trinity College DublinGEODYN: Geotechnical Dynamic Analysis for Offshore Wind
Trinity College DublinAssessing the potential of subsurface structures to facilitate efficient and renewable district heating and cooling systems in Ireland
Trinity College DublinDevelopment of segregated networks for the next generation of high-performance batteries beyond lithium (SegNetBatt)
Trinity College DublinHARMONIC-AI - Harmonic Management with AI for Networks to intelligently enhance EV charging and grid-tied micro-generation at customer sites
Trinity College DublinEnhancing Energy Efficiency and Resource Recovery through Multi-Objective Optimisation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations (E3R2MO2WWTPO)
University College Cork / MaREI CentreExploring Economic Viability and Market Development of Products from Anaerobic Digestion (EXPAND)
University College DublinBL3W - Bike Library 3 workplaces
University College DublinCO2 utilization to ethylene: Mechanistic insight into C-C coupling over core–shell nanostructured electrocatalysts
University College DublinAtlas of Ireland's Offshore Geostorage Potential (GeoStorIE)
University College Dublin‘Light’ plastic waste upcycling
University College DublinOvercoming the Bottlenecks of Hydrogen-to-Biomethane Process for Renewable Energy Storage (FeNiX)
University of GalwayAdvanced Numerical Modelling of Coupled Fatigue-Erosion Damage of Composite Wind Turbine Blades Toward Enhanced Predictive Maintenance (WINLIFE)
University of GalwaySHELLWISE – Assessing shellfish health when exposed to subsurface noise and vibration from offshore wind farms
University of GalwayImplementing recast EPBD IV building life cycle GWP disclosure requirements in Ireland (IMPLEMENT)

SEAI RD&D Technical Evaluator Database

Are you interested in reviewing and evaluating applications as a technical expert?

In line with international best practice, SEAI assigns experts with a record of publication and/or relevant experience in specific subject areas to act as technical evaluators of applications submitted to the SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme Call. A financial incentive will be provided to eligible Technical Evaluators to reimburse the time spent undertaking the reviews.

Expression of Interest

Experts may submit an expression of interest to SEAI to indicate their interest in participating in the evaluation of applications submitted to the SEAI RD&D Call.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to [email protected]. Your expression of interest should include:

  • Your name and organisation
  • Your area of expertise/experience (50 words max)

Experts who have submitted an Expression of Interest will be informed by email of the application process, which includes filling out a short application form and providing a CV. Appointed experts will be required to adhere to strict reviewer confidentiality, GDPR requirements, and to sign a Declaration of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Form. If an expert considers they have a conflict of interest, they are asked to declare this and may not be eligible to participate in the evaluation process. In case of any doubt, please contact [email protected].

Contact us

If you have any queries on the SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme please contact [email protected]