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SEAI welcomes strong climate action focus of Budget 2022. It demonstrates the critical importance of all SEAI actions.

12th Oct 2021

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has today welcomed the very significant focus on sustainable energy and climate action in Budget 2022.

"The announcement of the National Development Plan last week represents a whole new level of cross governmental focus on climate action in all aspects of our lives. Today's Budget starts the process of bringing the NDP to life. It shows how important the climate targets are for this Government and Ireland as a whole and it demonstrates how SEAI's activities are integral to a complete transformation of our economy and society. This spans home energy upgrades, electric vehicles, community and business supports, and capital investment in public buildings", said William Walsh, SEAI CEO.

"I am particularly pleased to see the allocation of €109 million to our free upgrade services for qualifying energy poor homeowners. These services are funded through carbon tax receipts. This service was very badly impacted by the series of lockdowns during the pandemic and we consider it a priority area in the years ahead that makes a huge difference to lives and homes.

It is abundantly clear that dramatic change is needed if we want to meet the climate challenge. Business as usual simply won't do. Nothing short of a societal movement to ultimately end the use of fossil fuels is now required. With the increased allocations and increased resources provided to SEAI, we look forward to supporting all energy users in their endeavours to reduce their use of fossil fuels. It is vital now that everyone responds - businesses, homeowners, and communities alike." said William Walsh, SEAI CEO.

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact:
Áine Roddy, Carr Communications: 087 777 3688 /
Laura Daly, Carr Communications: 087 317 1992 /

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