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Businesses could save 10% on their energy bills by implementing no-cost and low-cost energy efficiency measures. The tips and resources below will help you get started.

Where to start

Set a baseline

Before making any changes, we recommend that you take three or four meter readings at the same time each week, for example on a Friday afternoon. This will give you an idea of your usual weekly energy consumption. Continue taking meter readings at the same time after you have made the changes. This will help you understand where you have reduced energy consumption.  

Once you have recorded your baseline you can start to tackle your energy use - we have highlighted a few key areas for you to get started on below.

Key areas


Every time you turn the heating up by 1°C you increase your heating costs by approximately 8%. Turning the temperature down by 2°C would save around €160 on a €1,000 bill.


Lighting can be responsible for up to 40% of a building's energy use. Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce this.

  • Take a quick survey at the end of the day to identify the areas where lights are being left on unneccessarily.
  • Switch to LED bulbs and fittings, which use considerably less energy while supplying the same level of light. More information is available SEAI's Guide to Energy Efficient LED lighting, linked to below.
  • Install sensors and timers, which can help reduce energy waste and avoid lights being left on in unoccupied areas.

Office equipment

  • Use the eco setting on all appliances. The power-saving mode on a photocopier can save up to 92% of its typical energy use.
  • Ensure projectors are switched off and unplugged when not in use, they can consume significant energy in standby mode.
  • When purchasing new equipment check the energy efficiency rating label. Equipment rated A will use less energy and cost less to run. Learn more about energy labelling


First ask yourself, do you really need to make that journey? Consider alternatives like telephone calls or online meetings instead. 

When you are driving, an aggressive driving style can lead to an increase in fuel consumption of 10-12% above average. In contrast, an energy-aware driving style can save up to 13% on fuel consumption and is better for the environment and for your wallet.

Energy aware style

  • Maintain a steady speed
  • Shift up a gear to avoid over-revving the engine
  • Check your type pressure every month and take off racks and any other unnecessary loads

Switch to electric vehicles

If your business has a fleet of vehicles, consider switching to electric vehicles

  • The running costs of an electric vehicle can be as little as 20% of the cost of a similar size diesel engine. 
  • Recharging vehicles on night-rate electricity tariffs, with electricity rates close to half of a standard daytime rate, ensures you maximise the savings.
  • Find out more and review available supports:

Workforce engagement

You can't drive energy efficiency on your own, you need your colleagues to be on board also.

  • Make sure you have senior management buy-in
  • Ask for suggestions from all staff members - people respond with more enthusiasm when they feel involved in decision making
  • Communicate progress being made to all staff and consider simple rewards for achievements
  • Report on energy reductions to senior management

Contact us

Call: 01 8082100
