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Take part in one of our free student workshops and explore the topic of energy and sustainability in a fun and engaging way. Primary and post-primary options available - online, face to face and outdoors. Maximum of 32 pupils per workshop.

Primary Workshops

What is it all about

The senior primary workshop is aimed at pupils from 3rd to 6th class. The workshop is very interactive and involves classroom games, online quizzes and experiments. It is approximately one hour in duration and will be facilitated with one of our education officers.

What you need to do

In advance of the workshop, the school will be sent a selection of posters to promote saving energy, online resources including videos of experiments and instructions on how to conduct an experiment in class. Have these ready to go.

Curriculum links

The workshop covers several strands of the science curriculum such as energy and forces and environmental awareness and care.

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Primary Junior Workshops

Meet Guzzler!

Guzzler the puppet can visit your school to help the children learn about energy. This workshop is suitable for Senior Infants and 1st Class.

Learn through games and activity

The children meet Guzzler the puppet who loves to waste energy. Through a series of games and activities they learn where our energy comes from, why and how we save energy.

How it fits in with the science curriculum

The workshop covers several strands of the science curriculum.

Living Things

Energy and Forces

Environmental Awareness

How food gets its energy and how the energy from food is used to make their bodies work. How clothes keep heat in our bodies and how moving around can generate heat. Children learn that light, sound, heat and electricity are forms of energy. A mime game communicates different ways we use energy every day. The children learn how Guzzler wastes energy and they are can tell him how to waste less. This prompts them to think about energy at home and at school.

Interactive learning and fun

Throughout the workshop, children are asked to come up to the front of the classroom to help out with the various games and activities. By choosing different children each time, we aim to have as many children as possible involved.

Workshop duration and location

This workshop is approximately 45 minutes long and is for senior infants and 1st class. It may also suit junior infants and 2nd class, depending on their level. Workshops can take place in the classroom and our facilitator cariies out three workshops in a typical school day. The teacher must stay with the class during the workshop.

Advance preparation

In advance of the workshop, the school will be sent "Guzzler's Big Book on Energy" and "Guzzler Investigates Energy" to read with the children in advance of the workshops.

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Primary Senior Workshops

Energy Challenge

The Energy Challenge Workshop is for pupils from 3rd to 6th class but can also be suitable for 2nd class.

Hands on fun and learning

This is a great hands on workshop for students to explore the topic of energy. Students will carry out energy experiments, play the energy game, and have fun and learn.

What we cover

The workshop covers the following topics in an engaging and practical way.

  • The principals of energy
  • The current global problems and what we can do to help
  • The science of energy and climate change

How it fits in with the science curriculum

Energy and forces

Environmental awareness and care

We use bouncing balls to show the conversion of kinetic energy to sound, heat and vibration. Newton's Cradle will show the laws of motion in action. The workshop also uses potato or lemon batteries to investigate the conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy. The students will discuss renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. They look at the problems associated with climate change and the things they, as individuals can do to save energy.

Workshop duration and location

This workshop takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Our facilitators do up to 3 workshops during the school day. If possible workshops should take place in a school hall where the facilitator can set up for the whole day.

Requirements from the school / teachers

  1. Three workshops to be run in one day
  2. Maximum 30 pupils per workshop
  3. Teacher must stay with the class during the workshop
  4. Ideally we will have use of the school hall

Advance preparation

In advance of the workshop, the school will get a copy of 'The Story of Energy', book and DVD to show and read to the pupils in preparation for the workshop.

Note: SEAI workshops support other initiatives such as Discover Primary Science & Maths Awards and Green-Schools

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Special Schools

We can provide workshops for special schools. Please put a note in the comment box of the online form.

Junior Cycle Workshops


Our workshops engage students with the theme of energy and develop the awareness, knowledge, skills, values and motivation to live sustainably - one of the key aims of the Junior Cycle. Our workshops address the key skills of being creative, working with others, critical thinking and communication and feature strong curricular links with Business Studies, Science, Home Economics and Geography.

Workshop Overview

Our renewable energy and energy conversion workshop is designed to engage Junior Cycle students in hands-on learning while deepening their understanding of essential energy concepts. Through interactive discussions, demonstrations, and group experiments, students will explore the principles of energy and how they apply to our everyday lives.  

Workshop Format

1. Discussion and Demonstrations

We kick off the workshop with an engaging discussion and live demonstrations covering key topics, including:

  • Forms and Sources of Energy: An overview of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
  • Energy Efficiency: Understanding why efficient energy use is crucial.
  • Energy Conversion: Exploring how kinetic energy can be converted into sound, heat, and vibration.
  • Newton's Third Law of Motion: Demonstrating this fundamental principle in action.

2. Group Experiments

Students will then break into small groups of 4-5 to conduct hands-on experiments that bring these concepts to life:

  • Self-Inflating Balloons: Observe the generation of carbon dioxide through chemical reactions.
  • Tuning Fork Investigation: Explore how sound waves travel through solids, liquids, and gases.
  • Energy Conversion in Circuits: Experiment with electrical circuits to see energy conversion in action.

3. Student Involvement

Active participation is at the heart of our workshop and the key skills align with the Junior Cycle framework. Students will be challenged to:

  • Analyse: Interpret data collected during their experiments. (Being numerate )
  • Draw Conclusions: Develop insights on energy efficiency and how energy is converted and used.
  • Critical Thinking: Reflect on our daily energy practices and propose improvements.( Managing information and thinking )
  • Environmental Impact: Examine the environmental implications energy consumption. 


Workshop duration and location

The workshop is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes in duration and will fit into a double class period. We can run up to two workshops during the school day which generally takes place in a science laboratory.

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Transition Year Workshop

This workshop engages transition year students on the topic of climate change and sustainability. This workshop addresses the causes and global impacts of climate change and renewable and non-renewable technologies.  Building on the foundations of the Science and Geography curriculum of the Junior Cycle, these workshops are fantastic preparation for the Senior Cycle.

Cross Curricular Links in Leaving Certificate Subjects

  • Agricultural Science
  • Physics
  • Geography
  • Politics and Society
  • Climate Action and Sustainable Development


Workshop Overview

Through dynamic discussions and group exercises, students will explore the concepts of sustainable development and renewable energy, gaining insights into real-world issues and potential solutions.


Workshop Format

1. Inquiry-Based Learning

The workshop begins with an interactive discussion that uses video clips, maps, pictures, games, and activities to engage students. Key topics include:

  • Global Environmental Impact: Students evaluate how everyday activities, such as burning fossil fuels for heat and electricity, contribute to global environmental challenges.
  • Sustainable Development: An introduction to sustainable development, encouraging students to think critically about global issues and explore potential solutions.


2. Group Exercise

In the second part of the workshop, students are divided into groups and take on a hands-on exercise:

  • Country Assignment: Each group is assigned a country to represent.
  • Role-Playing: Team members assume roles representing various environmental and economic interest groups.
  • Renewable Energy Decision: The group must decide which type of renewable energy they want to develop to apply for a UN grant.
  • Evaluation: Students evaluate different renewable energy technologies from economic, environmental, and sustainability perspectives.
  • Presentation: Each group presents their findings to the rest of the class in a brief presentation.


Workshop duration and location

The workshop is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes in duration and should to fit into a double class period. The workshop can take place in a standard classroom.

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Energy Experiments

SEAI have created videos of some of the energy experiments in the workshops. Why not use them as part of your science or climate action lessons.

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SEAI Energy Experiments - More on our You Tube Channel