Support scheme for renewable heat

This support scheme provides financial support to help businesses move from fossil fuels to renewable heating.
Supports available for renewable heating systems
There are two different financial supports available when your business switches to renewable heat. The financial supports include:
- Operational tariff support for a biomass and biogas heating systems
- An installation grant for a commercial heat pump.
Before you apply, learn more about renewable heating systems and how they can benefit your business. We also recommend that you begin by speaking to an energy consultant or other professional who can guide you through your switch to renewable heating.
1. Operational tariff for biomass and biogas heating systems
This tariff will support the operation of your renewable heating system for up to 15 years. The tariff is based on useable heat output in renewable heating systems. This can apply to new heating system installations or installations that convert from fossil fuel to:
- Biomass boilers or biomass HE CHP heating systems
- Biogas (anaerobic digestion) boilers or biogas HE CHP heating systems
Temporary State Aid Restrictions: Due to changes to EU State Aid Rules, a temporary restriction has been placed on the SSRH tariff scheme. The Scheme can currently provide tariff aid for biomass installations up to a maximum rating of 1MW (up to 6MW for SME organisations). SEAI and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications are working on removing this restriction.
Before you apply
Before you submit your Tariff application you should read and understand this document:
Use the design guides provided to help with your application.
Are you ready to apply?
See below for tips on How to Apply.
Apply for the Operational TariffIndustry | Tariff support |
Agriculture | 43 |
Hotel / Guesthouse | 16 |
Nursing home | 8 |
Education | 8 |
Manufacturing | 5 |
Community | 4 |
Horticulture | 3 |
Commercial | 3 |
Leisure centre | 2 |
Residential / Other | 2 |
Retail | 1 |
2. Heat pump installation grant
An installation grant of up to 40% for investment in:
- Air source heat pumps
- Ground source heat pumps
- Water source heat pumps
PLUS an additional 30% grant for related energy efficient measures (heat recovery, ventilation, building fabric etc).
Before you apply
Before you submit your application, you should read and understand this document:
Use the following design guides to help with your application:
Are you ready to apply?
See below for tips on How to Apply.
Contact us to arrange a pre-application consultation at [email protected]
Apply now for the Heat pump installation grantIndustry | Grant support |
District heating | 1 |
Education | 1 |
Horticultural | 1 |
Leisure centre | 2 |
Commercial | 4 |
Community | 2 |
Hotel / Guesthouse | 2 |
Residential / Other | 1 |
Manufacturing | 4 |
How to apply
Applicants must be able to show:
- conversion from fossil fuels
- eligible heat use (space heating or process)
- compliance with eco-design standards
- heating system design according to building regulations and other relevant regulations
- qualified designers who are competent to carry out works
- that recipients of payments meet tax clearance requirements
- Carry out an energy audit
- Engage with an energy consultant/ sustainability manager. They can help you evaluate how suitable your businesses is for biomass, biogas or heat pumps. In many cases, energy consultants can also guide you through your application for our Support Scheme for Renewable Heat (SSRH).
- Find out the most suitable heating system for your business heating needs
- Check your compliance with the scheme's Terms and Conditions
- Refer to the tariff or grant scheme rules and guidelines
- Refer to the application checklist
- Refer to guidance on submitting an online application
- Make sure your documentation is in order
Top Tips
- We recommend you work with an expert to help with your application.
- You can start your application online and save it as you go.
- Use our Guide to completing the online application to make sure you answer all questions correctly.
- Use the design guides to help with your application.
Document name and link | Description |
Grant Scheme Operating Rules and Guidelines | This document sets out the Grant Scheme process, the eligibility criteria for participating in the Grant Scheme and the operating rules in respect of the Grant Scheme. |
Design Report Guidance (Grant Scheme) | This document provides guidelines on the main topics to be included in the Design Report. |
Sample Design Report | This document provides a sample design report for the Grant Scheme. |
Declaration of Incentive Effect for Grant Scheme | A Declaration that the Applicant has an Incentive Effect by receiving a Grant to part fund the acquisition of a heat pump under the Grant Scheme component of the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat. |
Declaration of Solvency | Each applicant must complete and deliver a declaration of solvency in the form prescribed by SEAI confirming solvency of the applicant at the Application Stage and during the Payment Cycle. The Declaration of Solvency should be signed by the applicant or an authorised person of the applicant. |
Declaration of Funding | Each applicant must complete and deliver a declaration of funding in the form prescribed by SEAI at the Application Stage. The declaration of funding should be signed by the applicant or an authorised person of the applicant. |
Declaration of Establishment | Each applicant must complete and deliver a declaration of establishment in the form prescribed by SEAI. This declaration of establishment should be signed by the applicant or an authorised person of the applicant. |
Eligible Building Declaration | Each applicant must submit a declaration to SEAI to confirm that the Eligible Building is not used for domestic purposes. This declaration should be completed by the applicant or an authorised person of the applicant. |
Nominated Authorised Contact | This document is required to include any additional persons the lead applicant would like to authorise to access, correspond with SEAI and provide information in relation to the project. |
Guide to Completing Online Application | This document provides guidance on filling up the online application for Grant and Tariff Schemes. |
Document name and link | Description |
Commissioning Form Grant and Declaration | Please download and complete this Excel form as part of your application to the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat. |
Completion Report Guidance (Grant Scheme) | This document provides guidance on the main topics to be included in the Completion Report and the Declaration of Completion by the Design Engineer. |
Declaration of Completion Documentation Checklist (Grant Scheme) | This document provides a checklist, to be signed by the applicant, of the documentation provided by the Applicant at the Completion Stage. |
Document name and link | Description |
Tariff Scheme Operating Rules and Guidelines | This document sets out the Tariff Scheme process, the eligibility criteria for participating in the Tariff Scheme and the operating rules in respect of the Tariff Scheme. |
Design Report Guidance (Tariff Scheme) | This document provides guidelines on the main topics to be included in the Design Report. |
This document provides a sample Design report including the layout and example content for the Tariff Scheme. | |
Guide to completing the Online Application | This document provides guidance on filling up the online application for Grant and Tariff Schemes. |
Nominated Authorised Contact | This document is required to include any additional persons the lead applicant would like to authorise to access, correspond with SEAI and provide information in relation to the project. |
Document name and link | Description |
Commissioning Form Grant | This form should be populated by the installer during installation, emailed to SEAI, and retained by the applicant. |
Commissioning Form Grant and Declaration | Please download and complete this Excel form as part of your application to the Support Scheme for Renewable Heat. |
This document provides guidance on the main topics to be included in the Completion Report and the Declaration of Completion by the Design Engineer. | |
Declaration of Completion by the Installer (Tariff Scheme)
| This document is designed to collect data and to aid the applicant during the period of installation, commissioning, and start-up, of the equipment for which an application has been approved and a Letter of Offer has been issued. This document forms a part of the Completion Report and Declaration of Completion by the Design Engineer' |
Declaration of Completion Documentation Checklist (Tariff Scheme) | This document provides a checklist, to be signed by the applicant, of the documentation provided by the Applicant at the Completion Stage. |
Sustainability Compliance Declaration at Completion Stage | This document is a Declaration, to be signed by the Applicant, about Sustainability Compliance of the fuel type used. |
SSRH Biomass Tariff Inspection Template | This document provides an overview of the Document that the Inspector will follow when carrying out a site inspection and DOES NOT have to be filled by the applicant. |
Participants of the scheme are required to submit heat meter readings every quarter, confirming the amount of eligible renewable heat for processing the payments. Heat Meters are required to be permanent, fixed and tamper-proof, to prevent any reading alterations. This document provides guidance on tamperproof tagging the Heat meters using twist lock tags, the procedure for replacing damaged meters and properly labelling the heat meters. | |
This document provides a checklist of information required from each heat meter and sets the parameters for installation of the Heat meters in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. One heat meter commissioning report is required for each of the heat meters installed. |
Document name and link | Description |
Annual Declaration of Compliance | Each applicant that is in receipt of a Letter of Offer and a Tariff Agreement will be required to complete an annual declaration to demonstrate its compliance with the Tariff Scheme Documentation and the ongoing obligations. |
Operation Reports for Tariff Scheme | The Operation Report is a report that the Applicant has to send every 6 months to SEAI for periodic data submission on the Tariff Scheme. |
Other related documents
- Potential Biomass prices in Ireland
- Interface Analysis and report for incorporation and alignment of data from biomethane study into RHI work stream
- Assessment of Cost and Benefits of Biogas and Biomethane in Ireland
- Bioenergy Supply in Ireland 2015 -2030
- Economic analysis for Renewable Heat Incentive for Ireland
- BioHEAT: A policy decision support tool in Ireland's bioenergy and heat sectors - This paper details the methodology for an integrated bioenergy and heat policy decision support tool that is being used to inform policy in Ireland.