Energy efficiency obligation scheme (EEOS) for business and public bodies
Under the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS), energy suppliers and distributors can offer support to make your organisation more energy efficient.
How does EEOS work?
Under EEOS, large energy suppliers and distributors in Ireland are required to achieve annual energy efficiency targets. These large energy suppliers are called Obligated Parties.
One of the ways that Obligated Parties can meet their annual targets is by helping support energy efficiency upgrades in businesses and public bodies across the country. Examples of eligible upgrades include improvement in insulation, heating, windows, ventilation and more.
Learn more about the schemeApplying for support through EEOS
If you're looking to make your organisation more energy efficient, you may be able to receive financial support through EEOS. We have information about eligible upgrades, available supports and contacting Obligated Parties.
Eligible upgrades
In principle, any energy efficiency improvement project may be eligible for support under EEOS if the following terms are achieved:
- An Obligated Party contributes to the achievement of the project
- The project results in final energy savings (as a result of an energy efficiency improvement) which are additional to what would have happened without support through EEOS
Some examples of the types of technologies which can be supported under EEOS are outlined in the table below. All of these upgrades are subject to meeting the scheme's requirements.
Eligible upgrades include: | ||
Heating | Ventilation and air conditioning | Electrification of Heat |
Servicing, set point regulation, control and fabric upgrade. | Free cooling, maintenance, optimisation of operation and general energy management. | Heat Pump Installation. |
Lighting | Motors, drives and pumps | Transport |
Decommissioning, maintenance, retrofit and controls. | Replacement, VSDs and control. | Eco-driving, fleet and energy management. |
Refrigeration | Compressed air | Industry processes |
Temperature control, pipe insulation, relocation and replacement. | Leak repair, optimisation, redesign and replacement. | Steam trap inspections, facility programmes and BMS. |
Please note: some projects with a short pay back period such as like-for-like lighting projects, may not satisfy the requirement for final energy savings listed above (point 2). Therefore, they would would not be eligible under EEOS.
What kind of support can Obligated Parties offer?
Obligated Party support can be technical and/or financial and should contribute to the realisation of the energy efficiency improvement project. Some examples of support include:
- a monetary amount per kWh
- measurement and verification services
- project management/ coordinator services
Obligated parties often work in partnership with SEAI project coordinators and other delivery partners to offer additional financial supports on top of SEAI grants.
The value of the support will be proportional to the volume of final energy savings associated with a project. This may vary between different projects and different Obligated Parties.
Contacting Obligated Parties directly
To receive support for your energy efficiency project through EEOS, we recommended contacting all (or multiple) Obligated Parties directly. They will be able to provide more information about what kind of support is available. Please note that whilst Obligated Parties are required to meet annual targets under EEOS, they are free to decide how best to do so and they are under no obligation to support particular projects.
When contacting Obligated Parties, we recommend that you provide the following information:
- the type of works to be carried out
- the scale of energy savings expected
- the approach to measurement and verification of savings (if known)
- the approach to quality assurance (if known)
- intended project timelines
- type(s) of supports preferred from OP
Request support for your project
The EEOS Support Request form can be used to request Obligated Party support for your energy efficiency project.
To apply for support, please complete the form linked below. Once the form is submitted, the request will be circulated to the Obligated Parties, and they will contact you directly if they are interested in supporting your project.
Complete the formGuidance for businesses
Electric Vehicle Savings Calculator
This calculation tool allows the user to determine the amount of energy savings eligible for electric vehicles under the EEOS. The methodology targets fuel switching between conventional and electric vehicles with respect to Article 7.
Steam Trap Tool
This link brings you to the steam trap calculator, which has been developed for use on all EEOS-supported non-domestic steam trap replacement projects. It enables users to calculate energy savings based on system parameters. There is also a guidance document available through this link which details the guidelines for determining energy savings from steam trap replacement projects, with the intention of submitting the savings under the EEOS.
Pipe Insulation Tools
This link brings you to the Pipe Insulation calculator, which has been developed for use on all EEOS-supported non-domestic pipe insulation projects. It enables users to calculate energy savings based on system parameters. There is also a guidance document available through this link which details the guidelines for determining energy savings from pipe insulation projects, with the intention of submitting the savings under the EEOS.
Lighting Upgrade Credits Calculation Tool
This link brings you to the lighting calculator, which has been developed for use on all SEAI-supported non-domestic lighting upgrade projects and the EEOS. It enables users to calculate energy and cost savings achieved by lighting upgrades. There is also a guidance document available through this link which sets out instructions for using the Lighting Upgrade Credits Calculation Tool, including details of the key formulas and correction factors used, and a troubleshooting section.
This document provides guidance to relevant parties on the SEAI requirements for preparation of a measurement and verification (M&V) report required under the SEAI's Community Energies Grant (CEG), Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED) Grant, Pathfinders Program, and Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS).
Have questions about EEOS?
Reach out to a member of our team to learn more about the scheme.
Contact us