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The scheme helps Ireland reach its national energy efficiency saving targets. Energy suppliers and distributors must support energy efficiency projects in homes, businesses, and communities across Ireland.


The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) is a Government of Ireland energy efficiency scheme operating since 2014. The scheme is designed to promote energy efficiency in homes, businesses and communities in Ireland.

Actions carried out through the scheme are expected to achieve 60% of Ireland's energy efficiency target for 2030.

How does the scheme work?

Under EEOS, the largest energy suppliers and distributors in Ireland are required to achieve annual energy efficiency targets.

Large energy suppliers and distributors include companies that sell more than 400GWh of energy per year to final customers. These companies, known as Obligated Parties, are given specific annual targets based on their market share within the energy industry.

EEOS is a regulation with three sub targets: Cross-sector 85%, Residential 10% and Energy Poverty 5%. Obligated Parties can achieve their annual targets by financially supporting homeowners, businesses and communities to carry out energy efficiency upgrades. For every unit of energy saved, Obligated Parties earn energy credits towards their annual goal.

The 2014-2020 EEOS supported energy efficiency actions in more than 300,000 homes and 3,000 businesses. The most recent 2021-2030 EEOS obligation period continues to obligate large energy suppliers and distributors in the electricity, natural gas, liquid fuel, and solid fuel markets.

Who is the scheme for?

EEOS can help support energy efficiency improvements for homeowners, businesses, local authorities and approved housing bodies. This doesn't just include building improvements but may also cover the improvement of business processes, fleets and infrastructure. For Obligated Party support to be eligible under EEOS, the Obligated Party must contribute to the achievement of the project before the measures are installed and the project must result in final energy savings.

Download our EEOS infographic

EEOS Obligated Parties

OrganisationObligated Party WebsiteTitleFirst nameSurnameEmail
Bord Gáis EnergyResidentialMr.JosephO'Dowd[email protected]
Calor TeorantaResidential & CommercialMr.RossSheridan[email protected]
 Residential & CommercialMr.PeterLoughran[email protected]
Electric IrelandResidential EnergyCredits[email protected]
EnergiaResidentialMr.RobertStringer[email protected]
CommercialMs.VashnieNaidoo[email protected]
Enprova / REILResidential & CommercialMr.PaddySweeney[email protected]
FlogasResidentialMr.JakeBrennan[email protected]
CommercialMr.VinithGerald[email protected]
LissanResidential & CommercialMs.GeraldineQuinn[email protected]
Mr.PatrickKelly[email protected]
OrstedResidential & CommercialMr.ThomasMcHugh[email protected]
Ms.JuditGal[email protected]
Mr.DavidO'Hare[email protected]
Ms.LauraCotter[email protected]
PinergyResidential & CommercialMr. PhilipConnor[email protected]
Yuno LimitedResidential & CommercialMr.MarkO'Sullivan[email protected]
SSE AirtricityResidentialMs.AislingPalmer[email protected]
CommercialMr.OisinBurke[email protected]

Annual EEOS Achievement