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Under the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS), energy suppliers and distributors can offer support to make your home more energy efficient. Learn more about how the scheme works and how you can benefit.

How does EEOS work?

Under EEOS, large energy suppliers and distributors in Ireland are required to achieve annual energy efficiency targets. These large energy suppliers are called Obligated Parties.

One of the ways that Obligated Parties can meet their annual targets is by helping support energy efficiency upgrades in homes across the country.

Learn more about the scheme

Applying for support through EEOS

From 2023 onwards, the most common way for homeowners to benefit from EEOS is in combination with other SEAI grants.

Obligated Parties will typically work in partnership with One Stop Shops and SEAI project coordinators to offer additional financial supports on top of existing grants. These additional supports are given to encourage homeowners to invest in energy efficiency improvement projects.

Learn how you could benefit from additional supports offered through EEOS by contacting home energy coordinators for the programs listed below.

Please note that whilst Obligated Parties are required to meet annual targets under EEOS, they are free to decide how best to do so and they are under no obligation to support particular projects.

One Stop Shops Individual grants Community grants
This program is a complete home energy upgrade solution for homeowners. Individual grants allow homeowners the flexibility to manage their own home energy upgrades. Community-wide energy improvements are managed by Project Coordinators, including grant applications and EEOS.
See One Stop Shops See individual grants See community grants

Smaller energy efficiency projects

If you're not considering a whole house upgrade, you may receive support for specific energy efficiency measures through EEOS. To learn more about how EEOS can support smaller energy efficiency projects in your home, contact Obligated Parties directly through the contact details listed below. They will be able to provide more information about what kind of support is available.

Please note: for energy upgrades to be eligible, Obligated Parties must be involved before project works begin.

View the list of Obligated Parties

Guidance documents for homeowners

This document sets out the eligible domestic energy efficiency measures and their associated energy credits under the EEOS scheme. The information in this document can be used as a reference guide by homeowners in seeking Obligated Party support for individual energy efficiency improvement measures in their home.

This Privacy Notice for the WHS Collaborative Pilot is intended to help you understand what Personal Data SEAI collects about you, why we collect it, what we do with it, who we may share it with and how we protect it.

This document sets out the programme-specific requirements of Contractor's practices in carrying out works supported by the Better Energy Home Programme.

This document sets out the general competence, standards and specifications that Contractors should possess, and adhere to, in carrying out dwelling energy upgrade works supported by SEAI Programmes. Homeowners may also need to refer to this document when works are being carried out.


Have questions about EEOS?

Reach out to a member of our team to learn more about the scheme.

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