Whether you're planning an energy efficiency upgrade or researching the benefits of energy efficiency, our case studies can show you how energy efficiency projects have been completed.

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  1. Heatworks Tallaght
    Business & Industry
    Renewable Technologies

    Tallaght District Heating Scheme

  2. Poppies
    Business & Industry

    Wicklow café transforms its energy efficiency after a host of upgrades.

  3. Medtronic
    Business & Industry

    Medtronic Parkmore implements energy saving and decarbonisation projects

  4. Donegal Hotel
    Business & Industry

    Ireland’s most northerly hotel implements a suite of energy upgrades

  5. AbbVie
    Business & Industry

    HVAC optimisation at AbbVie Ballytivnan, Sligo

  6. Showroom selling kitchen utilities
    Business & Industry

    Household Dishwashers: From non-compliance to resource efficiency

  7. EXEED_Roadstone_edited
    Business & Industry

    Roadstone Ltd. optimises its asphalt process

  8. lighting-compliance-thumbnail_1
    Business & Industry

    Driving energy efficiency in the Marketplace

  9. Caroline-Ashe-Brady_KORE-Retrofit
    Business & Industry
    Home Energy Upgrades

    Why KORE Retrofit registered as a One Stop Shop

  10. SEAI-Energy-Awards-Innovative-Deployment-of-Renewable-Energy-Award-1_1200-px
    Business & Industry
    Renewable Technologies

    Ahascragh Distillery is first to produce carbon-neutral spirits in Ireland

  11. Aurivo-2023_cropped
    Business & Industry
    Renewable Technologies

    Thermal Energy Efficiency Upgrade at Aurivo Dairy Ingredients

  12. An-Post_SEAI-Energy-Awards-2023
    Business & Industry

    Award winning Energy Team at An Post

  13. Inland-Fisheries-Ireland_SEAI-Energy-Awards-2023
    Business & Industry

    Inland Fisheries Ireland win at SEAI Energy Awards

  14. Tyndall-Institute-Building-External
    Business & Industry

    Tyndall National Institute lowers carbon emissions and energy costs

  15. Clew-Bay-Hotel_SSEA-CS
    Business & Industry

    SEAI Energy Audit helps Clew Bay Hotel on their journey to carbon neutrality

  16. Solar-3
    Business & Industry

    SSEA provided Bellurgan Precision with a data-driven approach to energy reduction