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The SEAI statistics team publish high quality, robust energy statistics. Below are our main energy statistics available in excel format.

Annual Energy Balances

An energy balance is an accounting framework for the compilation and reconciliation of data on all energy products entering, exiting and used in a country during a reference period.  Put simply, an energy balance is a matrix, where columns are energy products (fuels) and rows are energy flows (production - transformation - consumption sectors).

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Energy Data as Timeseries

To facilitate analysis, the energy balance data is presented here in timeseries format.  Different cuts can be made of the energy balances and the two main views are of the energy flows and the fuels.

Energy by fuel type timeseries

This file contains a number of tabs showing the timesseries of energy use for each fuel type. There is also a tab for overall energy which is the sum of individual fuel/energy sources.

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Energy by sector timeseries

This file contains tabs showing final energy use by sector. Each sector tab shows the total sector energy use first and scrolling down, data for each sub-sector is given.

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Fuel Cost Comparisons

SEAI published fuel cost comparison tables quarterly that are designed to help consumers to make reasonable comparisons between the cost performance of various fuels used in the more common types of heating system in Ireland.  Tables are published for both commercial and domestic consumers.

The tables apply to space heating only and for clarity and consistency, the tables compare heating costs on a common base of cost per useful unit of heat output to a room or space (cent per kilowatt hour or c/kWh). This is based on the assumption that the nature of the heat output from each fuel and heating system combination can be directly compared with the alternatives, despite the fact that there are some differences in comfort and control standards, and in maintenance requirements, between the systems.

Domestic Fuel Comparison Tables

Comparison of household energy costs as of January 2025. Current table available in pdf format and an archive timeseries containing both price per unit delivered (tonne, litre, kg etc) and price per kWh delivered. For electricity pricing, please see notes 12 & 13 and special note for electricity rebate.

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Commercial Fuel Comparison Tables

Comparison of commercial energy costs as of January 2025. Current table available in pdf format and an archive timeseries containing both price per unit delivered (tonne, litre, kg etc) and price per kWh delivered.

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